
A Scriptural Foundation for Faith: Step 2. Speak

Faith comes by hearing. Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. As you listen to God’s Word coming out of your own mouth, your faith will get a great boost! Power of Cofessions (Click to Listen and Speak with Pastor George) Faith is powerful, and so are the words you speak. Use the force of faith, combined with the power of your words to speak to your situation and trust God to move on your behalf. I do as Jesus did, and I speak to the mountains of _________ in my life. I command ___________ to be removed from my (life, body, relationship, job) and cast it into the sea and away from me! I believe I receive it removed by faith. I have no doubt in my mind that I am free from ________. No weapons of fear, doubt or unbelief formed against me shall prosper. I call those things that are not as though they were and hope for what I do not have—waiting patiently for it to come to pass in my life. Scripture References : Mark 11:23...

A Scriptural Foundation for Faith: Step 1. Believe

"And Jesus answering saith unto them, 'Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith'” (Mark 11:22-23).  In today’s language this would read something like this: “Jesus spoke to the mountain, and it was gone.”  While explaining it Jesus said, “This is the way you operate the faith of God: You speak the desired result and do not doubt in your heart. You believe that your words have power, and the things you say will come to pass. The result is that you can have whatever you say when you believe.” He  said to believe the things you say will come to pass. That doesn’t mean you can continue to speak any way you want, and then in a time of need suddenly exercise faith in God’s words. If you really believe faith words, you should speak them all th...

What is Faith? & What Faith is NOT!

Watch these two-minute video clips to see what faith is and what faith is not!  Our prayer is that these clips will remind you of the faith that lives within you!

Welcome to the Official Firetried Ministries Blog!

This is the official blog of Firetried Minstries.  This blog will be used to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to share Bible Study tips, techniques, and lessons developed by Firetried Ministries and other Bible-based, trustworthy resources.   About Us Firetried Ministries is an evangelistic Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with all the world and then helping those believers grow in their spiritual walks with God.  You can rest assured God will give you strength to overcome the world and its trials (John 16:33). You can become stronger in our faith when you overcome the tests and trials. And you can overcome them in Christ! Firetried Ministries considers Providence Baptist Church of Greenville, SC its home and church family, although works independently of it. Firetried Ministries is an independent, evangelistic, Christian ministry dedicated to encouraging everyone to let their light shine. Let it shine, let it shine, l...